Hanchu Ess 3.2kW Lithium battery

Hanchu Ess is an established manufacturer of renewable technologies and battery storage solutions. The domestic and commercial battery solutions are distributed globally with a very strong market share. Hanchu Ess have developed a range of batteries to push the technical boundaries of performance, temperature management, monitoring and technical support. Hanchu Ess Greenlinx are exclusively distributed by Infinity Innovations Ltd. in the UK and Europe. While they are quite recent to the UK market they are by no means new to the battery storage industry. As later arrivals to the domestic battery storage market they have certainly raised the bar in almost all areas of performance and technological development. Specialising in providing individual unit on line connectivity, they bring a new dimension for installers and customers alike. Remote health checks for every battery means simple and immediate onsite support from the other end of a computer.

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100% Usable Battery Capacity 100%

Key Features

Online Monitoring

Each Hanchu Ess 3200 HPD Lithium battery has an individual modem inbuilt, which means simple connection of each battery to the internet allows specific monitoring, technical support and future upgrades should it be needed

100% DOD

Unlike other battery brands available on the UK market that only allow you to use 90% of the battery’s capacity, the Hanchu Ess 3200 HPD Lithium battery is 100% DOD (Depth of Discharge)

High Charge & Discharge Rates

The Hanchu Ess 3200 HPD Lithium battery has an impressive 40A Charge rate which paired with any of our Lux controllers will allow you an incredible 2Kw with just a single battery! Even more impressive the Hanchu Ess 3200 HPD Lithium battery has a massive 60A Discharge rate per battery which means with just a single battery you can achieve up to 3Kw of discharge power.

12 Years Manufacturer Warranty

Unlike other battery brands available on the UK market, The Hanchu Ess 3.2 from Hanchu Ess come with a massive 12 Years warranty as standard making this a more viable and bankable battery product

High & Low Temperature Protection

Unlike most Lithium batteries available on the market our Hanchu Ess 3200 HPD Lithium battery will remain at full capacity down to zero degrees. All other battery brands are affected by temperature and will drop the charge rate by half when they detect around 8 to 10 degrees.

Hanchu Ess 3.2kW Specification

Hanchu Ess Monitoring

Each individual Hanchu Ess battery can be put online to allow
monitoring by the manufacturers on the Hanchu monitoring platform.

The battery monitoring is in addition to the Lux system
monitoring, and allows individual, or connected batteries to be remotely
analysed and supported by the manufacturers.

Having the ability to put individual batteries online is
literally a ‘game changer’ for battery storage installations. This means that
moving forwards any updates can be remotely carried out, or that if any
individual battery needed to be checked it can be done at the press of a